Clear Vision
Lighthouse of Manasota
MISSION: To educate and empower those affected by vision loss so they may enjoy happy, healthy and independent lives
VISION: To transform our community so those with vision loss have the opportunity to participate, contribute and rise to their fullest potential
CORE VALUES: Treat people with compassion, dignity and respect Embrace transformative innovation Respond effectively with targeted, meaningful services Honesty with Integrity Be a responsible leader and advocate
- Early Intervention, birth to 5 years - Individual therapy to improve functional skills
- Children’s Program, ages 6 to 13 - Instruction to supplement Teachers of the Visually Impaired
- Transition Program, ages 14 to 22 - From school to work and living independently
- Vocational Rehabilitation - for people who wish to work or need training to maintain employment
- Activities of Daily Living - for adults of all ages includes cooking, household safety, computers and mobility
- An estimated 62,000 local residents have vision loss severe enough to hinder work and daily life
- We serve 500 people each year
- Lighthouse of Manasota provides 10,000 hours of training annually
- Our training is cost- free to recipients
- Our instructors are certified professionals
- We serve Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte, DeSoto and Highlands Counties
- The Lighthouse Peepers Low Vision Store carries the most requested low vision products at the best prices with store revenue supporting the Mission of the Lighthouse.