Northport High School NROTC Supports Brian Bill Foundation
Coconut Telegraph
SATURDAY APR 2, 2016 |
The Northport High School NROTC presented a donation to Scott Bill of The Brian Bill Foundation for $5,000 during their annual Navy Ball -an event that is entirely cadet run and managed and attended by 120 guests. The event started out with a NJROTC color guard presentation of the United States flag along with the unit’s guidon. Soon after the presentation of the colors an Old Glory presentation was conducted for Mr. Scott Bill in honor of his late son Brain Bill who died on August 6th, 2011 west of Kabul Afghanistan while conducting a mission as part of the Navy Special Operations Community as a Navy Seal. The Brian Bill foundation helps strengthen and preserve Navy special forces families who have lost a loved one (also known as Gold Star Families) it also helps veterans and their families. The program provides the space and freedom to connect with nature, forge relationships and renew the inner spirit of those that attend.
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