The Myth of Geography
Guest Correspondence
SATURDAY SEP 17, 2016 |
One of the myths I hear is what I will call “the myth of geography.” It goes something like this: “If I want to transfer to the University of Florida, the only way is to go to the community college in Gainesville.” You can substitute Tallahassee into the same scenario. There is of course a grain of truth in every myth. Santa Fe College and Tallahassee Community College are outstanding institutions—these two schools, along with the State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota and 25 other state and community colleges make up one of the nation’s best public college systems. But I will bust the myth by pointing out that thanks to Florida’s two plus two system, students graduating with an associate degree from any of our state’s college system institutions have the same opportunity to transfer to a state university.
There are many benefits to going the two plus two route—with financial savings being the most recognized and appreciated. A student at SCF will spend about one-third as much as a university student over the same two-year timeframe. I like to focus on the dedicated faculty and smaller class sizes we provide as well. Our faculty’s first priority is engaging students in the classroom; publishing and research are important but secondary. Early alert systems identify students who are struggling academically and ensure assistance is provided.
Florida’s Statewide Articulation Agreement guarantees the transfer of 60 credit hours earned as part of an associate degree to a state university in Florida. This does not mean guaranteed acceptance into the student’s university and program of choice, but it does provide a direct path to completion of a bachelor’s degree. With the Statewide Course Numbering System, the math course you take at SCF is the very same course you would take at any Florida public college or university.
Students aiming for a specific program and university must fulfill the prerequisites and program requirements for their targeted degree and school. Our advisors will work with students and help them identify those requirements to ensure they stay on track while at SCF. This keeps students from taking unnecessary classes or falling short of acceptance at their chosen university.
At SCF, we are committed to helping our community’s students achieve their educational goals and providing them the academic and advising support to prepare them to graduate and transfer. We are constantly working to create defined four-year degree pathways for our students, especially with our local partners—New College, the Ringling College of Art and Design and the University of South Florida. We want our students to have a clear picture of what it will take to go from associate degree to bachelor’s degree the day they start their college education with us.
By starting at SCF, you can get anywhere from here. Thanks to Florida’s outstanding two plus two system, our students have the same opportunities for admission at our state universities as students from any college in the state. That is no myth.
Please take a look at if you would like more information.
Dr. Carol Probstfeld is president of State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota.
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