Sarasota Memorial Nursing and Rehab Center Awarded Top Rating
WEDNESDAY OCT 31, 2018 |
The Sarasota Memorial Nursing and Rehabilitation Center received U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Nursing Home” rating yesterday. In its 2018-2019 report, U.S. News reviewed more than 15,000 nursing homes across the nation, and fewer than 3,000 received the “Best Nursing Home” designation. The U.S. News study looked at a range of quality indicators, such as how frequently facilities physically restrain residents or administer anti-psychotic, anti-anxiety or hypnotic drugs (lower is better because they can pose serious risks for older adults and those with dementia). It also evaluated staffing and how much time nurses spend with residents, as well as measures of recommended care, such as appropriate flu vaccination, and care-related complications, including pressure sores and urinary tract infections. Sarasota Memorial Nursing and Rehabilitation Center earned a “high performing” rating for those measures and overall care.
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