Manatee Matches Giving Circle Offers up to $100,000 in 1:1: Matching Funds for Manatee County COVID-19 Response Fund
The Giving Coast
FRIDAY APR 3, 2020 |
The Manatee Matches Giving Circle is a group of caring individuals that meets annually to make joint decisions about their giving to selected nonprofit organizations that serve Manatee County residents. This year, the group has chosen to dedicate their combined charitable contributions to provide 1:1 matching dollars—up to $100,000—to support the newly created Manatee County COVID-19 Community Response Fund. The Manatee County COVID-19 Community Response Fund, established by an anonymous donor at Manatee Community Foundation, will provide grants to public charities working in the space of health and human services that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Manatee Matches Giving Circle was established in 2014 and has awarded more than $585,750. Together with the required matching from individual donors, the overall giving catalyzed by the Fund has exceeded more than $1.17 million. To make your tax-deductible gift to the Manatee County COVID-19 Community Response Fund, eligible for matching, visit Manatee Community Foundation online at, call 941.747.7765, or mail a check made out to Manatee Community Foundation (COVID-19 Fund in memo line) to 2820 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton FL 34205. Manatee Community Foundation was established in 1998 and has awarded more than $30 million in grants and scholarships based on the wishes of its generous donors.
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