Dancing for Our Lives: Re-Imagining Our Future
Arts & Culture
TUESDAY APR 7, 2020 |
Sarasota Contemporary Dance will participate in the 2020 National Water Dance project. Participants from across the nation will join together wherever they are for a simultaneous dance on April 18, 2020 at 4 pm EST. National Water Dance is first and foremost a Movement Choir—a collective body of dancers and movers physically engaged in drawing attention to and action on water issues. For 2020 our focus is on the climate crisis. NWD believes in the power of dance as a means to somatic empathy—Dance speaks to the physical connection we have with ourselves as ecological systems existing in a community with all other systems. We understand that in order to save the Earth we must first recognize that we are in interdependence with all living things. National Water Dance is creating a community of dancers that reestablishes our connection with each other. Participants will live stream their dance on social media from wherever they are, be it their living room or back yard and we will share all the videos from participants on social media.
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