The Florida Center Receives $100,000 in Grants to Help Vulnerable Families
The Giving Coast
THURSDAY JUL 2, 2020 |
The Florida Center for Early Childhood recently received $100,000 in grants to help children and families cope with adverse outcomes associated with the Covid-19 pandemic and other social conflicts.
Life has changed drastically over the last few months, leaving many families who were already struggling to face new hardships. The upset in regular routines and uncertainty of what comes next causes stress that affects both adults and children. They need extra support to manage stressors and move forward. With one in six children between the ages of 2 and 8 years diagnosed with a mental, behavioral or developmental disorder, the need for therapeutic services to deal with some of these major changes is at an all-time high. The risks are even higher for those in low-income families, single parent households, and foster care.
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