Taking Charge of Your Future with SCF
Guest Correspondence
SATURDAY AUG 22, 2020 |
The start of the fall semester always brings a sense of optimism to a college campus. It is a new start for our students at State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota, and whether they are with us in person or online for classes, I am thrilled that they are taking charge of their future. We have spent the last six months living with limitations on our lives created by the COVID-19 pandemic. As our students return to SCF, our goal is to minimize the limitations they face in higher education.
Pursuing a college degree gives students a sense of stability and progression in their lives. As our economy attempts to recover from the pandemic, members of our community will need higher education and new skills to reenter the job market. Our state college provides the courses and programs to meet those needs in the safest environment possible without limiting students’ ability to decide how they want to go to school.
Now more than ever we are focused on being responsive and flexible with how our students want to take their classes. Higher education is increasingly a buyer’s market. We created a fall schedule that gives students choices about how they want to receive their education. We gave students flexibility and met their demands for face-to-face or online courses. Our students have many challenges and choices this fall - we have made it clear that SCF is the college that puts their needs first without limiting their ability to choose. We will continue to offer that choice and flexibility in our Flex Start classes that run in multiple sessions this fall. For students registering later, these classes offer the same opportunities as our full-term classes and will be offered on campus and online.
We also want to ensure that financial limitations are not a barrier to attending college. Financial assistance, including traditional financial aid and Federal CARES ACT funding is still available through the SCF financial aid office. The Foundation also has funding available through scholarships and the Coronavirus Student Emergency Fund. Our local philanthropic community has been very generous in providing financial support for students in need throughout our history.
We are deeply committed to reducing the chance COVID-19 spreads on one of our campuses. Our Return to Campus plan has been reviewed by our local health departments and the Florida Department of Education and recognized as one of the most robust in the Florida College System. The health of our students, faculty, and staff is our primary focus and foremost on our minds as we begin fall classes. SCF will remain closed to visitors at this time and all on-campus events are cancelled or will be conducted virtually.
We recognize that we have an opportunity at SCF – if not an obligation – to be the change we want to see in how our institution minimizes the risk of COVID-19. On our campuses we can control our environment and model ways to reduce the spread of this virus. We will be the example to the community of what can work and demonstrate the actions we want to see off campus.
Fall always signals a fresh start on a college campus. By giving our students the freedom to choose how they learn and reducing the limitations they face, we are creating the optimism they need to take charge of their future. Optimism is in high demand right now.
Dr. Carol Probstfeld is the President of the State College of Florida - Sarasota Manatee County.
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