Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe Cancels 'Soul in the Garden' Fall Gala
Arts & Culture
WEDNESDAY NOV 18, 2020 |
For questions, call WBTT at 941-366-1505, ext. 106.
Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe has decided to cancel its fall gala, "Soul in Garden." The event – which was sold out at a limited capacity (for safe social distancing) but available for wider view through livestreaming – will return in 2021. This year's planned Heart & Soul Philanthropy honoree, Marian Moss, will be recognized at the event next year. WBTT is still rebounding from an outbreak of COVID-19 among the cast and crew of its "Light Up the Night" open-air concerts. Additionally, with virus case numbers sharply increasing throughout the state, the arts organization did not feel it would be safe or responsible to host the event at this time. WBTT will be contacting Soul in the Garden live event and livestream ticket-holders by email regarding ticket refunds.
For questions, call WBTT at 941-366-1505, ext. 106.
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