Mothers Helping Mothers Offers New Moms Necessities and Financial Help
The Giving Coast
WEDNESDAY JAN 20, 2021 |
5933 N. Washington Ave, Sarasota, 941-953-7572
Mothers Helping Mothers is an all volunteer, not-for-profit organization that provides basic necessities such as clothing and baby items (including new cribs, car seats, strollers, bouncer seats, breast pumps, diapers and formula) along with clothing and home items for the entire family, free of charge to families in Sarasota, Manatee and surrounding counties. They also provide eligible clients a one-time emergency financial helping hand-up to keep families from eviction or utilities from being shut off. MHM is committed to supporting families in need by fostering resiliency, self-sufficiency and family stability in the community.
5933 N. Washington Ave, Sarasota, 941-953-7572
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