United Way Suncoast Grant to Bolster Financial Literacy for Goodwill Employees
The Giving Coast
THURSDAY JUN 10, 2021 |
Pictured: Goodwill Manasota GoodPartner Coach Dana Knuuti (left) with team member Dennis Burton.
One of the key mission goals of Goodwill Manasota is to provide employment as well as on-the-job educational opportunities and job skills training so that team members who may have barriers to employment can enjoy success on the job and strengthen their families. In recognition of these efforts, United Way Suncoast recently made a community investment of $55,000 to Goodwill to support its GoodPartner Coach program. “A lack of financial literacy skills is a major barrier for many of our team members,” said Margie Genter, vice president of mission services for Goodwill Manasota. "Thanks to the generous grant from United Way Suncoast, we can continue to provide important guidance and support to help employees achieve financial stability and get on the path to career and life success."
Pictured: Goodwill Manasota GoodPartner Coach Dana Knuuti (left) with team member Dennis Burton.
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