Goodwill Hosting Free Prostate Screenings at its Selby/Newtown location
The Giving Coast
TUESDAY OCT 12, 2021 |
Pictured: The Sarasota Prostate Initiative will offer free PSA blood testing at Goodwill’s Selby/Newtown location once a month, through March of 2022
Beginning this month and continuing through March of 2022, Goodwill Manasota is making its Selby/Newtown Job Connection location (1781 Dr. Martin Luther King Way, Sarasota) available for free PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood testing for the Newtown community and general public. Offered by the Sarasota Prostate Initiative, the screenings will take place outdoors in the parking lot the third Saturday of every month, from 10 am - 12 pm, beginning on October 16. Future dates are: November 20, December 18, January 15, February 19 and March 19.
It is recommended that every man should have this PSA screening done. The test provides a warning about prostate health and is convenient and easy, taking less than five minutes, including the blood draw. Only small amounts of PSA move out of the prostate and into the blood in healthy people but several prostate conditions can cause higher levels of PSA in the blood. The mission of the Sarasota Prostate Initiative is to increase awareness of diagnostic and treatment options available to men with prostate disease, and to guide and support them through their cancer journey. “It is our pleasure to offer the use of our site to the Sarasota Prostate Initiative for these health screenings,” said Goodwill Manasota President Donn Githens. “About 13 out of every 100 men in the United States will get prostate cancer during their lifetime and, of those, two to three will die. We hope that community members will come to get tested, to ensure that – should an issue be detected – they can make informed decisions and get the treatment needed to ensure the healthiest possible outcome.”
While these events are being held outdoors, it is recommended that – as per CDC guidelines – community members wear masks when social distancing cannot be practiced. For more about Goodwill, visit For more about the Sarasota Prostate Initiative, visit
Pictured: The Sarasota Prostate Initiative will offer free PSA blood testing at Goodwill’s Selby/Newtown location once a month, through March of 2022
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