Thunder By The Bay Raises Record Amount For Suncoast Charities For Children
The Giving Coast
TUESDAY JUN 7, 2022 |
Pictured: Suncoast Charities For Children Check Photo (L-R):Lucy Nicandri (Executive Director), Simon Williams, Maureen McAuley, Greg Linehan, Bob Morrison (Board Members), Lisa Baer (Director of Special Events). Photo courtesy of Evan Ackerman.
The 24th Annual Thunder By The Bay Music & Motorcycle Festival, held this past February at the Sarasota Fairgrounds, raised a net revenue of $267,000 for Suncoast Charities for Children. This exceeded last year’s net revenue of $225,000. In addition to the traditional three-day Festival, other events included a sporting clay tournament, a “Taste of Thunder” whiskey tasting event, and a Thunder By The Bay “Rocks The Runway” Fashion Show. Suncoast Charities for Children Executive Director, Lucy Nicandri, stated: “We are extremely grateful for the generous support received from Festival sponsors, individual donors, vendors, dedicated volunteers, and everyone who attended the Festival. We look forward to sharing some exciting announcements soon, as we prepare to celebrate the Festival’s 25th Anniversary next February.”
The 25th Annual Thunder By The Bay Music & Motorcycle Festival is scheduled for February 17-19, 2023 at the Sarasota Fairgrounds. For updates and additional information visit:
Pictured: Suncoast Charities For Children Check Photo (L-R):Lucy Nicandri (Executive Director), Simon Williams, Maureen McAuley, Greg Linehan, Bob Morrison (Board Members), Lisa Baer (Director of Special Events). Photo courtesy of Evan Ackerman.
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