Florida Studio Theatre Announces Date for It Annual Fundraising Event
The Giving Coast
WEDNESDAY OCT 12, 2022 |
Pictured: The 70s--More Than A Decade (23): Brianna Barnes. Photo by John Jones.
Florida Studio Theatre (FST) will hold its annual shindig on Monday, February 6, 2023, in FST’s Hegner Theatre Wing. Attendees are invited to don their favorite ‘70s apparel or best cocktail attire for FST’s biggest fundraising event of the year. Wendy Grady, a Winter Season Underwriter and staunch supporter of the theatre’s WRITE A PLAY program for several years, will chair this event. Gulf Coast Community Foundation is the lead sponsor of FST’s annual shindig. Sponsorships of various levels are available. To reserve a table for this event on February 6, contact Kristin Hartnett, Development Associate, at KHartnett@FloridaStudioTheatre.org or 941.366.9017 ext. 316. The evening kicks off with a cocktail reception, performances by FST’s resident improv troupe, and more, at 5:30PM. Guests will then assemble in FST’s Gompertz Theatre to watch exclusive live performances by some of FST’s beloved artists. A seated dinner by Michael’s On East will conclude the evening. During the Shindig, FST will present the esteemed Spelman Award. Named in honor of Florida Studio Theatre’s founding Artistic Director, Jon Spelman, the Spelman Award is presented to a foundation or an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership by providing FST with mentorship, financial, and/or in-kind support.
Pictured: The 70s--More Than A Decade (23): Brianna Barnes. Photo by John Jones.
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