Local Relief, The New Nonprofit and Social Media App Serving as the Communication Hub for Locals During Natural Disasters
The Giving Coast
Local Relief, a new nonprofit and social media app, is set to revolutionize the way we prepare for hurricanes. The app serves as a communication hub for locals during natural disasters, providing a platform for real-time updates, information on local resources, and community support. With hurricane season in full effect, Local Relief is a game-changer for those who live in hurricane-prone areas. The app allows users to connect with other locals, share information, and stay informed about what's happening in their community during a natural disaster. "We created Local Relief to help people prepare for and respond to natural disasters more effectively," said Heather Hackett, the founder of the app. "We believe that by connecting communities and utilizing citizen journalism to provide real-time updates, we can revolutionize the way locals communicate surrounding disasters." Citizen journalism is based upon public citizens playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information. The Local Relief app is available for FREE from the Apple Store or Google Play. For more information about Local Relief and how to get involved, please visit localrelief.com or follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @localreliefapp.
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