2023 edCFDA Pride Eyewear Initiative
The Giving Coast
WEDNESDAY JUN 28, 2023 |
In honor of Pride Month in June, five independent CFDA eyewear designers are unit-ing to launch the second annual edCFDA Pride Eyewear Initiative. The designers of Blake Kuwahara Eyewear, Christian Roth Eyewear, Krewe Eyewear, l.a.Eyeworks and Selima Optique, will each offer a limited edition sunglass design, with a portion of pro-ceeds collectively benefiting the TransLatin@ Coalition. Accompanying the limited edi-tion eyewear designs is a dedicated lens cleaning cloth created exclusively for the ini-tiative by New York-based artist Pedro Silva. The “edCFDA Pride Eyewear Initiative” is an annual charitable venture driven by inde-pendent eyewear designers of the CFDA to target and highlight specific needs within the broad spectrum of the LGBTQIA+ and gender non-conforming community.Blake Kuwahara. Collective proceeds from this year’s effort will benefit the TransLatin@ Coalition, whose members are TransLatin@ leaders from different parts of the U.S., who organ-ize and advocate for the issues and needs of TransLatin@ individuals residing in the United States. translatinacoalition.org The designers – Blake Kuwahara (Blake Kuwahara Eyewear), Christian Roth (Chris-tian Roth Eyewear), Gai Gherardi (l.a.Eyeworks), Selima Salaun (Selima Optique), Stirling Barrett (Krewe Eyewear) – are members of the Eyewear Designers of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (edCFDA), a working group of the CFDA that seeks to expand the understanding and presence of designer eyewear as a vital com-ponent of contemporary fashion. cfda.com.
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