Sarasota County Leads the Nation with American Public Works Association Accreditation


Multiple departments within Sarasota County have achieved accreditation and reaccreditation from the American Public Works Association (APWA), reflecting Sarasota County’s commitment to excellence and strategic goals. The judgement from APWA allows Sarasota County to receive critique from a professional, third-party organization, resulting in the enhancement of governmental processes and service to the public.  Capital Projects, Public Utilities, Public Works and Solid Waste were reaccredited following their initial accreditation in 2020. Newly accredited departments this year include Breeze Transit; Communications; General Services; Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources; and Planning and Development Services. APWA accreditation formally verifies and recognizes these departments comply with the recommended management practices outlined in APWA’s Public Works Management Practices Manual. The APWA accreditation process is available to all governmental agencies responsible for public works functions. Sarasota County began its reaccreditation and accreditation efforts in December 2022, starting with a self-assessment in February 2023. The county underwent an extensive submittal and review process to measure the success of its procedures and evaluate its service to the community. APWA’s accreditation process includes five major phases: Self-Assessment: Internal review of an agency’s practices compared with the recommended practices in the manual. Application: Submission of a formal application to commit to the Accreditation Program. Improvement: Addressing areas needing improvement to comply with recommended practices. Evaluation: Requesting a site visit for review and evaluation of the agency’s compliance. Accreditation: The Accreditation Council reviews the site visit results and team recommendations to decide on awarding accreditation. The initial accreditation is valid for four years, with semi-annual updates required to maintain compliance. After that period, a reaccreditation process builds on the original accreditation, encouraging continuous improvement and compliance with newly identified practices. Achieving the APWA accreditation is a 2024 strategic plan item for multiple departments. Sarasota County reaffirms its strategic plan annually, which includes a 15-year vision, mission statements and an annual action plan approved by the Board of County Commissioners.The accreditation and reaccreditation processes allow Sarasota County to review operations and procedures, gauge compliance with industry standards and make improvements to benefit the community. Sarasota County ensures it remains aligned with best practices and continually enhances its services. To learn more about Sarasota’s continued commitment to provide excellent service to the community, visit For more information about APWA Accreditation, please contact APWA Senior Manager of Accreditation, Jeanette Klamm at or (816) 595-5295. Please visit to learn more about the American Public Works Association.acc

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