Turn the Page: The Most Important Vote Could Be the Last One

Guest Correspondence

Image courtesy Pixabay.

As the Nov. 5 general election approaches, every voter must take the time to review their ballot in its entirety, from the first page to the last. At the end of a long ballot, one important item for Sarasota County voters is the School District Millage Referendum. This measure may be overlooked simply because it is at the very end of the ballot on most ballots. Voters are encouraged to carefully examine and complete all front and back pages, especially the last page, where the School District Millage Referendum is located for most voters.

The referendum on this year's ballot asks voters to consider continuing the 1-mill ad valorem property tax for Sarasota County schools. This funding, which has been in place for over 22 years, has allowed our district to recruit and retain top-quality teachers, provide workforce training, improve school safety, support the arts and upgrade technology and classroom resources. These essential programs will continue with the renewal from July 1, 2026, through June 30, 2030. The exact language you will see on your ballot reads as follows: 


BALLOT SUMMARY: Shall the Sarasota County School District continue the 1 mill per year ad valorem millage to retain and recruit quality teachers; provide workforce training; improve school safety and security; preserve the arts; upgrade technology and classroom resources; fund other education programs and school operational needs; beginning July 1, 2026 and ending June 30, 2030; and sharing funds with charter schools proportionate with student enrollment, with oversight of all funds by an independent committee of citizens?

Yes, for continuation

No, against continuation

Sarasota County has been a leader in providing exceptional opportunities for students, largely because this funding plays an important role in our students’ success and the overall quality of education within the district.

It's easy to get caught up in the other races and measures that appear earlier on the ballot. However, we cannot afford to overlook the importance of local issues like this one. Voters will have the opportunity to decide if the continued funding for our schools is a worthwhile benefit for our students to support access to excellent teachers, state-of-the-art technology, strong arts programs and safe learning environments. Your vote on this issue will help shape our community's future.

Please take the time to vote on every item on your ballot and carefully consider the school district referendum. Your vote on this issue is not just a mark on a ballot; it's a decision that will shape the future of education in our community for years to come. Remember, every vote counts and this issue is too important to miss. You are a key player in this decision and your voice matters.

Terry Connor is Sarasota County Superintendent of Schools.

Image courtesy Pixabay.

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