Vote ‘Yes’ on the School Board Referendum

Guest Correspondence

Image courtesy Pixabay.

The School Board Referendum renewal is on the last page of your ballot this year. This renewal, which is supported and funded by most of the business community and local foundations, is fundamental to our county’s future and our “A” rated school district. This historically widely supported referendum is important for retaining and recruiting our teachers, enhancing workforce training, upgrading our schools with technology and improving school safety and classroom security.

This will be the first time the referendum renewal is on the general election ballot. This important change means that more people will be voting on this referendum than ever before. This will position this referendum for its largest voter support in its history. Since 2002, this referendum has passed with incredible support- meaning that this tax is not new. This is a continuation of what we already have and it will help to continue our “A” district grade.

The Superintendent, who is in his first year holding that position in Sarasota County, has not taken anything for granted with his unprecedented transparency. On the School Board website, you can see where every dollar goes down to each school and each position, expected outcomes and Frequently Asked Questions. 

This $114 million of funding goes towards literacy coaches, competitive salary enhancements for teachers ensuring we have the best and brightest teaching our kids, school resource officers, career and technical educators, STEM instruction and technology support staff, among many other positions vital to supporting our kids’ education.

The importance of this referendum to the success of our district cannot be emphasized enough. But it is important to know how taxpayer money is being protected; the guardrails are also important. This funding is local, limited, and is accountable to the electorate in that it must be renewed by the voters every four years. Unlike other school funding, the funding from this referendum all stays here and is spent here. Finally, the spending of these dollars is overseen by an independent Citizens Tax Oversight Committee.

The Argus Foundation was instrumental in the studies and work that first led to the referendum passing in 2002. This led to our district being “A” rated and one of the top school districts in the state. We are proud to support our students and teachers again over 20 years later. The Argus Foundation urges you to vote “Yes” on the fourth page of your ballot on the referendum titled “Continues Funding for Teachers, Workforce Training, Student Achievement Through Renewal of Ad Valorem Millage Referendum.”

For more information go to: and

Christine Robinson is Executive Director of The Argus Foundation.

Image courtesy Pixabay.

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