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SRQ DAILY Nov 8, 2017

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Freshly Squeezed Content Every Morning

"Every one of us, if we put our thinking caps on, can come up with some idea of where we might go."

- Chris Gallagher, Grid Un-Locked

[Traffic]  Grid Un-Locked Culminates in Carma, Community Solutions
Philip Lederer, Phil.Lederer@srqme.com

Community leaders and concerned citizens gathered at The Francis last night for the culmination of Grid Un-Locked—a six-week, six-session series bringing six speakers to the podium for a comprehensive review of mobility, transportation and traffic congestion in the area. Organized largely by Chris Gallagher of Hoyt Architects and Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce President Kevin Cooper, the series aims to enable and activate the community to handle today’s traffic, as well as coming growth, without breaking the infrastructure or city experience. “Every one of us, if we put our thinking caps on, can come up with some idea of where we might go,” says Gallagher.

Cooper took the stage first, bringing the audience up to speed and cementing four key principles recurring throughout the series, including the importance of “the grid” in understanding local traffic. Traffic is not a question of the number of lanes, but the number of options that the traffic grid provides its users. “Options are what keeps traffic moving,” says Cooper, and adding only a few streets to a grid can increase options by almost an order of magnitude. “Are you a road-builder or a connection-maker,” he asks. Next, to understand local traffic, one must understand land use patterns, i.e. what destinations create trips and how time of day affects trips. Rush hour will always be a thing and some businesses attract more people than others; understanding these things is key to understanding how to channel the effects. A possible solution could be another emerging theme—complete streets. Complete streets offer space for multimodal transportation, from cars to bikes, pedestrians and mass transit. And all of these solutions must take into account a community that exists on a spectrum from urban core to rural landscape, where not every road has the same demands.

With Gallagher as the series’ concluding speaker, the tone was less of lecture and more of wrap-up and brainstorming. The key, according to Gallagher, is that there will be no simple fix or single plan to account for all of these moving parts. And there exists no one entity that bears sole responsibility. The solution, based on the previous five weeks of study, would actually be myriad solutions from multiple people of all walks of life in the community. From government to road builders and users, and from employers to employees and philanthropists and community chambers, each can have a role to play, with projects small and large. As an employer, Gallagher cannot unilaterally create more roadways, but he can allow his staff staggered arrivals in the morning, easing congestion at key times. “When you add all those things up,” he says, “you can improve the quality of life and create a better community.”

Even those not old enough to drive are chipping in. The winners of the Education Foundation of Sarasota County’s two-day Hackathon Competition, the students of Team Carma, shared their concept for a mobile app that helps coordinate carpooling between parents, students and drivers. Called Carma and created by Venice High School senior Liam Hines, Pine View School eighth grader Bear Mancinni, Anastasia Samedi of Booker Middle School and other teammates, the app was inspired by seeing fellow students unable to attend their schools of choice. “One of the biggest problems in realizing these opportunities was transportation,” says Hines. With Carma, parents can schedule rides and track them, students can see their schedules and when rides arrive and drivers can schedule their rides and earn points for driving safely and consistently. 

[Politics]  Voters Elect for Change in City Races
Jacob Ogles, jacob.ogles@srqme.com

It was a tough night for incumbents in Gulf Coast elections on Tuesday. 

In Venice, challenger Charles Newson defeated Councilwoman Deborah Anderson with nearly 56 percent of the vote in the Seat 2 race, but voters also declined bringing former Councilman Emilio Carlesimo back, instead electing Mitzi Fiedler in the Seat 1 race with more than 59 percent of the vote.

In Bradenton Beach, Mayor Bill Shearon was ousted by former Manatee County Commissioner and Vice Mayor John Chappie, who took about 60 percent of the vote. Voters also tossed Ward 3 Commissioner Ralph Cole Ward in favor of Randy White.

In Holmes Beach, Commissioner Marvin Grossman came in last in a field of five, losing his seat. The top vote-getter was newcomer Jim Kihm, followed by incumbents Pat Morton and Carol Soustek, with Rick Hurst nabbing the final seat up for grabs.

But in Anna Maria, voters stuck with Commissioners Carol Carter, Doug Copeland and Dale Woodland, who were all re-elected over giving a seat to challenger Laurie Jo Higgins.  

[SRQ Story Project Partner Spotlight ]  Receiving Care to Give Care: JFCS Senior Caregiving

Caregiving is a duty reserved for the strongest and most generous-hearted among us. Many times, it is a job compensated only with love. However, when a caregiver needs support — where do they turn?

JFCS of the Suncoast is a multi-function social services agency offering Caregiver Resources within the Seniors and Cancer Support programs.

One program participant, Ellen Kaiden, is an accomplished watercolor artist residing in Sarasota. Her palette is as vibrant as she is, and she shows her art in many notable Sarasota galleries. Ellen has participated in JFCS’ Wednesday caregiver group with Dr. Susan Siegel, a Clinical Psychologist, for several years.

Here, caregivers gain access to support groups and individual support sessions, becoming educated about age-related illness and the aging process. Dealing with decisions that need to be made and the emotions involved can be overwhelming. JFCS provides assistance with respite, workshops, and connections to important community resources.

Ellen has maintained her life balance by actively pursuing her artistic talents, while caring for her family.  Through her association with JFCS, she has gained insights and tools to benefit her and her loved ones.  

JFCS of the Suncoast

[Exec Moves]  Trimble Joins Sarasota YMCA

The Sarasota YMCA has named Debbie Trimble as the senior vice president of major gifts and planned giving. Trimble joined the Sarasota YMCA in early-November and brings more than 20 years in nonprofit support which focused on fundraising development. Trimble was previously the vice president of development for The New 42nd Street in New York, NY. She also brings fund development experiences from development director positions at the La Jolla Playhouse in La Jolla, CA and Asolo Repertory Theatre in Sarasota, FL and as executive director of the Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy in Buffalo, NY. In her new role, Trimble will build and maintain relationships with individuals, companies and foundations to establish gifting programs. In addition, she’ll work with financial advisors and wealth managers to shape a planned giving platform. 

Sarasota YMCA

[Recognition]  Manatee County's Colonneso Receives Certification

Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Angel Colonneso recently joined 66 clerks from across the state for the Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers 2017 fall conference. Over the course of the four days, Colonneso attended a general session, an executive session and several classes related to confidentiality laws, filing and technology and system updates, among other aspects. Colonneso also was presented with a certificate for completing 240 hours of training related to legal, budget, finance and court operations as required by statute, recognizing her as a certified clerk of the circuit court. To maintain her certification, Colonneso must complete an additional 36 hours every year, which can be obtained through classes and conferences. In addition to serving as the Manatee County Clerk of Court and Comptroller, Colonneso also is the secretary for the Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers executive committee and the chair of the communications committee. She also serves on the CLERICUS committee, which handles the Florida Clerks case maintenance system, the strategic planning committee for the Florida Clerks Association and the justice partners committee. 

Manatee County Clerk's Office

[SRQ KidsFest]  SRQ MEDIA Launches KidsFest this February 10: A Hands-On Family Innovation Festival

SRQ MEDIA proudly presents a vibrant, hands-on family festival cultivating creativity, crafts, arts and innovation taking place this February 10, 2018 at the Ringling College of Art and Design. Launched as the brainchild of SRQ MEDIA President and CEO Lisl Liang as an experiential mosh-up of learning pathways, SRQ KidsFest deconstructs the whole mind ecosystem of creativity by curating an afternoon where curiosity, open-ended play, arts and design reign supreme. SRQ KidsFest is an experience designed to connect parents and kids with hands-on learning, local family resources and creative opportunities in our region with exploration designed to deliver fun “a-ha” moments for the whole family—from musical instruments to bookmaking, from illustration to architecture and storytelling to technology.

For tickets and details, please click here

SRQ KidsFest

[TODAY]  THEATER: Once , November 8 – December 31, 2pm, 3pm, 7pm or 8pm depending on day

Once tells the heartfelt story of a Dublin street musician on the verge of hanging up his instrument when a striking woman begins to fancy his haunting love songs. As their chemistry bonds them more tightly, his music expands to new heights. Once’s first note will captivate with the connective power of music.

Florida Studio Theatre, 1241 North Palm Ave., Sarasota

[SOON]  SEMINAR: Wine, Women, Shoes , November 9 – November 11

Wine, Women & Shoes benefits The Parenting Program of Forty Carrots Family Center providing parenting education, early childhood education and child & family therapy at over 27 locations in Sarasota and Manatee Counties. The three-day series begins with a VIP Reception at Michael’s Wine Cellar on Nov. 9 where top donors and sponsors meet and sample wines from the series’ thirteen outstanding participating vintners. Friday, Nov. 10 features The Signature Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton with a professional fashion show, a dozen fashionable retailers, and 60 volunteer men who show shoes on silver trays and support Forty Carrots. On Saturday, Nov. 11 five dinners are hosted in exquisite homes and other venues. We look forward to sharing good wine, exciting stories, and fabulous food with you all while supporting a good cause!

[SOON]  GALLERY: ArtsHOP Gallery Walk , November 9 – November 12, All day

The eleventh annual artsHOP weekend will be celebrated with a lineup of local original art, refreshments, live music, raffles. Attendees of the event will be able to meet a variety of artists from various local art galleries. Enjoy the beach and fine art at this weekend event.

Anna Maria Island

[SOON]  BUSINESS: The Mark Wandall Foundation’s 14th Annual Memorial Weekend , November 10 – November 11

Celebrate The Mark Wandall Foundation’s 14th Annual Memorial Weekend and learn how your support helps to aid kids and families in grief. Kick off the weekend Friday evening at Gold Coast Eagle Distributing with cocktails, fabulous food, a silent auction and poker tournament. Buy-in for the tournament includes free entry to the Kick-Off Celebration. The fun continues Saturday morning with a Golf Tournament at Legacy Golf Club in Lakewood Ranch.

Legacy Golf Club At Lakewood Ranch, 8255 Legacy Blvd Bradenton, FL 34202

[SOON]  FESTIVAL: Sarasota MOD Weekend Festival , November 10 – November 12

Sarasota Architectural Foundation presents the fourth annual SarasotaMOD Weekend November 10 through 12 . The midcentury modern architecture festival celebrates the legacy of acclaimed architect Tim Seibert featuring Parties , Presentations, Film Screening, Art Exhibitions, Trolley&House Tours.


[SOON]  MUSIC: David Olney , November 10

David Olney became a major player in Nashville's underground folk and country scene in the early '70s. Since his success in Tennessee, David has created over 20 albums to his name, incorporating a wide range of inspiration from honky tonk to rock in his works. 

Fogartyville Community Media & Arts Center, 525 Kumquat Ct., Sarasota

[SOON]  GALLERY: Fields of Color , November 10 – December 5, Opening at 6-9pm

Transformative and dramatic, Arleen Joseph’s Fields of Color landscape paintings captivate the eye and pulls at emotional heartstrings. Known for her use of bold color and heavy texture, Arleen creates oil paintings that transport the viewer into a captivating and ethereal space. Additionally, 530 Burns Gallery will host a trunk show featuring sterling silver designs by Kelim, a local boutique.

Burns Gallery, 530 Burns Lane, Sarasota

[SOON]  FESTIVAL: Siesta Key Crystal Classic , November 10 – November 13

The 8th annual Siesta Key Crystal Classic returns this year with the promise of even more creative and jaw dropping exhibits. Come out and view 12 masterpieces made only from our #1 beach sand and water. Listen to live music everyday. NEW THIS YEAR - Visit us Friday or Saturday night for amazing colorful lit display of sculptures. Enjoy the many activities and vendors throughout the festival. 

Siesta Key Beach, 948 Beach Road Siesta Key, FL 34242

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: Rootabaga Country , November 11 – November 12

After a nationwide search, the Sarasota Opera is proud to announce that composer/librettist Rachel J. Peters has been chosen to compose the Sarasota Youth Opera’s new commission—Rootabaga Country. Ms. Peters explains that the work has a “sincere message of tolerance and inclusiveness in a cultural climate where the simple act of growing up is more confusing than ever before.”

Sarasota Opera , 61 N Pineapple Ave., Sarasota

[SOON]  MUSIC: Yarn , November 11

Following in the footsteps of forward-thinking bands, Yarn is a Brooklyn-based Americana and alternative country band. They weave country, rock and blues into one in their music and performances. Their fresh sound includes musical idioms and universal tales for all to hear.

Fogartyville Community Media & Arts Center, 525 Kumquat Ct., Sarasota

[SOON]  GRAB BAG: Freedom of the Presses Book Fair , November 11, 11am to 4pm

This Book Fair is an exciting program which highlights the creative and democratic processes of 21st century independent artist's publishing. At the event, books, zines, comics, photoboooks, prints and more are available for purhcase. The day will culminate with a performance by Sheryl Oring.

Alfred R. Goldstein Library, 2700 Bradenton Rd., Sarasota

[SOON]  FOOD: Keep the Dream Alive , November 13, 7:00PM

The Jewish Housing Council Foundation's 7th Annual Keep the Dream Alive event will be held for the first time on the Aviva Campus (1951 N. Honore Ave., Sarasota) and feature a bountiful dessert extravaganza by Chef Paul Mattison and his crew. Benefitting the Jewish Housing Council Foundation's Benevolent Care Program, Keep the Dream Alive will allow JHCF to continue honoring the founders’ dream of assuring that qualified residents can age in place, even if they have exhausted their resources.

Aviva Senior Life Campus, 1951 N. Honore Ave Sarasota, Florida 34235

[SOON]  SEMINAR: BASE Talks , November 14, 5:30pm

BASE Talks are an outreach lecture series centered around the core subjects of business, arts, science and entertainment. The presentations are designed to enhance community engagement and add value to the local arts and entertainment sectors. Learn more about these topics and become a smarter thinker. Tickets are $27, $30 or $37, depending on seating.

Manatee Performing Arts Center, 502 Third Ave. W., Bradenton

[SOON]  THEATER: Evita , November 14 – December 30

Directed and choreographed by Josh Rhodes and winner of eight Tony Awards, Evita is among the most passionate and memorable productions. The musical retells the story of Eva Perón, Argentina’s celebrated but controversial First Lady. This exemplary musical is set to impress with a spectacular new staging at Asolo Rep.

Asolo Repertory Theatre, 5555 North Tamiami Trl., Sarasota

[SOON]  THEATER: A Christmas Story, The Musical , November 14 – December 10

This classic holiday tale centers on a mischievous, bespectacled boy, Ralphie, who dreams of getting a BB-gun for Christmas. In the weeks before the big holiday, Ralphie, his friends and his family get into all kinds of situations — including run-ins with a bully, a tongue stuck to a flagpole, a bar of soap in the mouth, a garish leg lamp, and a Chinese Christmas dinner.

Venice Theatre, 140 Tampa Ave W., Venice

SRQ Media Group

SRQ DAILY is produced by SRQ | The Magazine. Note: The views and opinions expressed in the Saturday Perspectives Edition and in the Letters department of SRQ DAILY are those of the author(s) and do not imply endorsement by SRQ Media. Senior Editor Jacob Ogles edits the Saturday Perspective Edition, Letters and Guest Contributor columns.In the CocoTele department, SRQ DAILY is providing excerpts from news releases as a public service. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by SRQ DAILY. The views expressed by individuals are their own and their appearance in this section does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. For rates on SRQ DAILY banner advertising and sponsored content opportunities, please contact Ashley Ryan Cannon at 941-365-7702 x211 or via email

Copyright © 2025 by SRQ Media Group, 331 South Pineapple Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236.
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