Sarasota County Schools Outperform State Averages
THURSDAY JUL 4, 2019 |
According to results released by the Florida Department of Education, the Sarasota County School District scored higher than state averages in all categories of the 2019 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA). The percentage of students who were proficient in English Language Arts (ELA) increased from two percentage points in grades three, five and seven and remained consistent in grades four and six. There were slight declines in grades eight, nine, ten compared to last year.
In 2019, the school district’s mathematics proficiency rates improved in grades three, four, six and eight and remained consistent in grade seven. There was a slight decline in grade five. In addition to the FSA, the percentage of students passing End of Course (EOC) Assessments is also higher than the state average in all subjects tested. The percentage of students passing EOC assessments increased five points in Civics, two points in Biology, and one point in US History. For all grades three through ten, Sarasota County Schools rank among the top four school districts on English Language Arts scale scores and the top seven school districts for mathematics. There are 67 school districts in the state of Florida.
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