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SRQ DAILY Sep 23, 2021

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"A big concern in the greater Sarasota community and especially those around this water area is, to what extend could this have impacted or exacerbated the red tide we have this year? "

- Rep. James Buchanan, R-Sarasota

-Remember the delicious cover on the July/August edition? Watch how that lobster roll was made in our latest video!
[State]  No Fast Solutions For Looming Piney Point
Jacob Ogles, jacob.ogles@srqme.com

It could be years before polluted water at Piney Point gets completely drained. But lawmakers this week promised the Department of Environmental Protection to provide needed resources to stop a further disaster.

At a Wednesday meeting of the House Environment, Agriculture and Flooding Subcommittee, the full agenda  was dedicated to progress on the Piney Point site. That's where a breach in a water stack this year prompted the discharge of 215 million gallons of industrial wastewater directly into Port Manatee. The release came because the water breach threatened the full collapse of one of three reservoirs, which threatened nearby homes and pristine Bishop Harbor.

Rep. James Buchanan, R-Venice, chaired the meeting and pressed officials on the following steps for preventing another problem at the site. The Legislature last year approved $100  million to start cleanup, and lawmakers say they’re committed to spending more, but Buchanan said he’d like to know time frames.

DEP Secretary Shawn Hamilton said that’s hard to predict for a number of reasons. It will take time to permit a disposal method for 544 million remaining gallons of water in the stacks. They likely will go into an underground injection well, one carefully scouted and prepped so there won’t be any leakage into the Floridan Aquifer. But even when a well is up and running, the state can only move 1 million to 1.5 million gallons per day underground. Meanwhile, rainfall adds water to the stacks and the breach contaminated stormwater retention ponds on site so all excess water must be stored in the reservoirs themselves.

Buchanan also wanted assessments on the impact of the discharge beyond the waters of Port Manatee. “A big concern in the greater Sarasota community and especially those around this water area is, to what extend could this have impacted or exacerbated the red tide we have this year?” Buchanan asked Hamilton.

Again there’s no easy answer. DEP officials have not reached any conclusion the Piney Point discharge directly led to the red tide blooms that impacted Sarasota County to the south or Pinellas County to the west of the spill. “But the fact of the matter is, nutrients exacerbate red tide, period. There is no debate about that,” he said. “They don’t create or cause red tide. There is no debate about that. Any amount of nutrients going to Tampa Bay is undesired.”

The state continues to try and hold property owner HRK responsible for the cleanup and closure efforts at Piney Point, Hamilton said. But he noted the property has been foreclosed upon. Courts in August put a new receiver in place to monitor the water stacks in hopes of preventing another breach. Meanwhile, the breach from earlier this year was blocked with a metal plate and reinforced with sand material to stop any potential for leaks. 


[Environment]  Solutions to Avoid Red Tide (START) Launches Regional Healthy Ponds Collaborative
Brittany Mattie, brittany.mattie@srqme.com

Stormwater is the biggest contributor to water pollution in Florida. Building on a successful pilot program that helped about a dozen Sarasota County communities bolster, and beautify, their stormwater retention ponds, Solutions to Avoid Red Tide (START) recently secured a $250,000 grant from Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation to jumpstart its efforts in reducing the excess nutrients in our coastal waters and increasing public awareness about the importance of preserving our marine environment. The recent grant will go even further—developing a regional initiative the grassroots organization is calling “Healthy Pond Collaborative.”

The effort officially kicked off during a press conference yesterday morning, hosted at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. 

According to Sandy Gilbert, START’s scientist behind stormwater pond management, stormwater contributes 65% of the nitrogen in Sarasota Bay, which feeds red tide and causes other damage to water quality and wildlife. Many mistake 6,000 bodies of water in Sarasota County for lakes, he says. But in reality, they are ponds and 4,500 of them are classified as wet detention ponds. Dr. Abbey Tyrna, Sarasota County UF/IFAS Extension, follows up by noting these manmade ponds cannot manage or balance themselves by only operating at 40% to 60% efficiency in removing the excess of nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus. "Anything in excess can be toxic," says Tyrna. "And this case is no exception." This overdose of nutrients tends to lead to erosion, frequent algal blooms and loss of wildlife. In addition, that water eventually becomes too full to store and ultimately overflows, taken downstream by canals, ditches and pipes to our federal- and state-regulated water. This natural phenomena year after year contributes to water pollution and every Floridian's anticipatory summer shake-down: red tide.

So what can help combat this from happening on almost an annual basis? "Going straight to the source," states Gilbert. And, education and plants.

Gilbert and Tyrna shared the key solutions Healthy Pong Collaborative will set forth. Firstly—creating and distributing a step-by-step pond enhancement guide/manual to homeowners and associations encompassing best practices of how to better maintain their neighborhood ponds—including holistic approaches such as reducing the input of herbicides, fertilizer, plan and lawn clippings, and domestic animal fecal matter. And secondly—a group of scientists and volunteers plan to restore and enhance ponds' littoral zones with the installation of native wetland plants. These species of five or six aquatic plants not only create a low-maintenance buffer around the perimeter of the pond and secure the bank, but they also naturally improve water quality and biodiversity—removing the excess of nitrogen, phosphorus and other non-point pollution before entering the pond—and thus avoiding disastrous drainage altogether. 

This effort will help establish state-wide and national models that can be recreated in other communities as well, they mention. 

Based on the grant given and existing projects, the collaborative expects to help upgrade 10 to 12 community/neighborhood projects a year and three to five larger, high visibility projects with parks and golf courses. 

Partners include START, Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation, Sarasota County’s Neighborhood Environmental Stewardship Team, the UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County, and the Science and Environment Council of Southwest Florida. The work was in part inspired by Gulf Coast Community Foundation’s 'Water Quality Playbook.' 

Photo courtesy of Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation. Learn more here.

[ShopTalk]  Fancy Leaf Plant Co. Puts Down Roots in Parrish
Chloe Cuyler, chloe@srqme.com

Have you ever considered taking your hobby to the next level? Perhaps by starting a small business? Well, that’s exactly what happened for Libby Bolles, a houseplant hobbyist who has blossomed into a small business owner. 

Bolles, a longtime resident of the Parrish area, grew her deep-rooted love for plants into her full-time job after she–along with her mother, Jody Nader–founded Fancy Leaf Plant Co. in February 2021. What started as a renovated cargo trailer at pop-up and local markets, and a passion for creatures of the leafy, green variety, has bloomed into a well-deserved presence in the local houseplant community, and, a now permanent storefront. Next Saturday, October 2, Fancy Leaf Plant Co. will be setting up shop in Parrish. 

“We’re excited to have a home base for our community,” says Bolles. “We are also excited to offer new classes, workshops and events in the near future.” Fancy Leaf Plant Co. will not forget its roots, though. Bolles says that the business will continue to host pop-up shops and attend local markets. 

In honor of the occasion, Fancy Leaf Plant Co. will be hosting giveaways and raffles at its new location with prizes including tote bags and cold brew coffee for the first 15 people in line. There will also be a raffle for a Monstera deliciosa, a flowering tropical plant nicknamed “the Swiss cheese plant.”

On October 2, celebrate Fancy Leaf Plant Co.’s grand opening of its permanent home and maybe even bring a little green friend to your own home while you're there.

“We love that plants bring life into any environment and truly make us happy,” says Bolles. “It’s so satisfying to care for a plant and have it care for you as well.” 

Photo courtesy of Fancy Leaf Plant Co.

8267 US HWY 301 N, Parrish, 941-545-5132, fancyleafplantco.com, @fancyleafplantco.

[Performance]  Circus Arts Conservatory Leaders Participate in World Acrobatics Society Event in Vegas

Local circus legends and founders of the Circus Arts Conservatory, Dolly Jacobs and Pedro Reis, were invited to participate in the recent World Acrobatics Society Congress & Gallery of Legends Hall of Fame Banquet at the Tuscany Casino & Suites in Las Vegas. The dynamic duo are, themselves, WAS Gallery of Legends - Hall of Fame inductees (2013 - Professional Acrobat category); Reis had nominated this year's inductees, the Cristiani Family, - one of the most famous acrobatic equestrians in circus history - in the Professional Acrobatics category. The World Acrobatics Society (WAS) is a worldwide organization whose members share a love of acrobatics. Its mission is to advance the education, communication, and cooperation among all individuals and organizations interested in fostering the growth, development and safety of the various acrobatic disciplines along with preserving their histories. Reis is an international board member for WAS. 

Pictured: Dolly Jacobs and Pedro Reis (couple on the right) in Las Vegas with Tino and Mara Cristiani, who were nominated by Reis and were inducted this year into the WAS Gallery of Legends Hall of Fame in the Professional Acrobatics category

[Innovation]  Ear Research Foundation's Communicator Masks Help the Hard of Hearing Community

Communication is always vital and even more so in this pandemic time, with mask mandates. It represents many challenges, particularly for those with hearing impairment. Lip reading is an unconscious help in communicating for everyone, but very important to those with hearing issues. Hence, another roadblock arises with the mandatory need for wearing masks. Traditional masks cover the mouth and nose rendering lip reading impossible.  Not only is lip-reading a problem; the masks that band around the ear are very uncomfortable for hearing aid wearers.  Additionally, all too often, when the wearer removes the mask the hearing aid comes flying off - sometimes to disappear. 

To address these issues, Sarasota's Ear Research Foundation devised a mask that boasts a large plastic mouth cover and adjustable strings that go higher above the ear and lower on the back of the neck. The mask is comfortable, clear, and effective. The design of the mask not only assists with lip reading, it helps those who wear hearing aids.  The mask straps do not go behind the ears, causing them to pull or catch on hearing devices.

For more information call the Ear Research Foundation at 941-556 4219, or visit 1901 Floyd St., Sarasota, EarRF.org 

[Awards]  Manatee Chamber Announces Finalists for 41st Annual Small Business of the Year Awards

The Manatee Chamber is pleased to announce the finalists for the 41st Annual Manatee Small Business of the Year Awards. With more than 230 nominations, 67 small businesses and 23 non-profit organizations have been selected as finalists. The outpouring of support and appreciation for all that our businesses have been through is a recognition of the critical role that small, local businesses and non-profit organizations have as the bedrock of our community. These local businesses and non-profit organizations are recognized for stellar customer service, dedication to employees, business/organization growth, and support of our community. 

Five small business winners and two non-profit winners will be announced at an Awards celebration on Tuesday, November 16 from 4:00 – 6:30 PM at the Bradenton Area Convention Center. This signature Manatee Chamber event offers a great opportunity to network with area business and community leaders. Reservations are required. For more information, contact Cara Misiewicz at 941-748-4842, ext. 122 or visit ManateeChamber.com/SmallBiz. 

[Reading Program]  Young Reader Wins Music Compound 'Rock Your Summer Reading' Grand Prize

Music Compound's popular "Rock Your Summer Reading" program grew significantly this year, as children logged their reading and received special treats, cool items and one-of-a-kind experiences donated by area businesses as prizes for every five books read (as the number of books a child reads increases, the value of prizes he or she can earn grows). Nearly 80 children participated this year, logging more than 1,700 total books. With 27 qualifying for the grand prize drawing by reading more than 50 books, Amber Rogers, 9, was the winner of the party for up to 25 at Music Compound's Cattlemen location. Rogers and her friends will enjoy karaoke, pizza, a bounce house donated by Let’s Jump Rentals, and cool treats donated by Kona Ice ($600 party value). 

Pictured: Fourth-grader Amber Rogers was the grand prize winner of Music Compound's 2021 Rock Your Summer Reading program

[Board]  Manatee County Accepting Applications for Children's Services Advisory Board

Manatee County is now accepting applications for six open seats on the Children’s Services Advisory Board (CSAB). The volunteer board makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners about priorities and expenditures of the County’s dedicated millage for children’s services. The CSAB typically meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 3 p.m. in the Manatee County Administrative Center, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. The board meets weekly during the annual program funding review process and for a full-day retreat in October each year. 

The following open seats on the CSAB are for three-year terms that begin Oct. 1:  one Department of Children & Family representative; one Licensed Mental Health representative; one United Way representative; two child advocates, not affiliated with any agency receiving County funds; and there is also one open seat on the CSAB for a one-year term that began in 2019 and will expire Sept. 30, 2022. This vacancy is for one child advocate, not affiliated with any agency receiving County funds

Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 3 pm. Applications must include:  1) Advisory Board Application, 2) Children’s Services Advisory Board Supplemental Questions (Page 4 of the Advisory Board Application), and 3) a resume or a Curriculum Vitae (CV).  The application and supplemental questionnaire can be found on the County's website. For more information, call 941-748-4501 ext. 3485 or email Kristi.Hagen@mymanatee.org  

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: Classic Albums LIVE , September 24, 8pm

Classic Albums LIVE returns to the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall on Friday, September 24 at 8 p.m. The group will bring Led Zeppelin II to life on stage – note for note, cut for cut. Tickets go on sale Friday, July 9 at 10 am. “One thing I know for sure is that Zep fans are unrelenting in their love for the band. Many people don’t realize that during the ‘70s – no other band or artist came close to selling as many albums as Led Zeppelin.” – Craig Martin, Founder of Classic Albums LIVE. Tickets are $32-$72 and can be purchased at www.VanWezel.org, by calling the box office at 941-263-6799 or by visiting the box office Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. To view a full listing of upcoming events, visit www.VanWezel.org.

The Van Wezel, 777 N Tamiami Trl., Sarasota

[SOON]  FILM: The Ringling: On Screen: The Infiltrators , September 24, 6:30pm

Without warning, Claudio Rojas is detained by ICE officials outside his Florida home. He is transferred to the Broward Transitional Center, a detention facility used as a holding space for imminent deportations. Terrified of never seeing him again, Claudio’s family contacts the National Immigrant Youth Alliance (NIYA), a group of activist Dreamers known for stopping deportations. Believing that no one is free as long as one is in detention, NIYA enlists Marco Saavedra to self-deport with the hopes of gaining access to the detention center and impeding Claudio’s expulsion. Once inside, Marco discovers a complex for-profit institution housing hundreds of multinational immigrants, all imprisoned without trial. This On Screen will show on September 24 at 6:30pm at Historic Asolo Theater.

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: FST Improv: Comedy Lottery , September 11 – September 25, 7:30pm

It’s the lottery where everyone wins! Twelve lucky audience members determine the fate of our team of highly-adaptable improvisers by selecting the night’s lineup from FST’s bucket of over 50 different improv games. Once the night’s games are chosen, our cast of funny people will be off to the races, spinning scenes, sketches, and songs to win your laughter. What will they come up with next? We have absolutely no idea. But one thing is for sure: every Saturday night at 7:30pm through September 25, their destiny is in your hands.

[SOON]  GRAB BAG: The Bazaar on Apricot & Lime: Book Fair , September 25, 10am-3pm

Love to read? On Sept. 25 from 10am-3pm The Bazaar on Apricot & Lime welcomes more than a dozen local authors. Meet the writer of your new favorite books including children's books, vegan cookbooks, romance, mystery, and sci-fi. While you are here, enjoy food from award-winning Hamlet's Eatery, live music, and the 40 local vendors and artisans who make up The Bazaar community. Participating authors include: Vicki Chelf, Ann and Alan Votta, Rena Koontz, Lucia Barrett, Kate Costigan, David Marks, Hannah Bagnall, Christina Westott, Karen Hamilton, Simone Knego, Tara September, Darlien Simos, Teresa Michael, Betty Mann McQuee, MaryKatherine Wainwright, and more. Located at 821 Apricot Ave in Sarasota. For more information visit www.BazaaronApricotandLime.com.

[SOON]  SCIENCE AND NATURE: In Dialogue with Nature: Glass in the Gardens , July 10 – September 26

Selby Gardens and the Duncan McClellan Gallery in St. Petersburg present the fourth annual summer glass show at Selby Gardens’ Downtown Sarasota campus from July 10 to September 26. This year’s exhibition, featuring nature-inspired glass work created exclusively by Duncan McClellan, will be displayed in the Tropical Conservatory and the Gardens against a backdrop of lush flowers and plants.  All artworks are available for sale with a percentage of proceeds benefiting Selby Gardens.

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens , 1534 Mound St., Sarasota

[SOON]  GALLERY: We Dream A World: African American Landscape Painters of Mid-Century Florida, The Highwaymen , July 10 – September 26

We Dream A World, African American Landscape Painters of Mid-Century Florida, The Highwaymen, explores the depth of art and business enterprise created by a unique set of landscape artists. Guest Curator Radiah Harper takes visitors through the experience of African Americans who, living in a hostile climate of racial injustice, were able to both learn their artistic craft through formal and informal education, and successfully break away from traditional field labor jobs to monetize their work. This exhibition will be presented in collaboration with the Sarasota African American Cultural Coalition from July 10 to September 26.

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens , 1534 Mound St., Sarasota

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: Shades of Buble: A Three-Man Tribute to Michael Buble , July 13 – September 26

With three voices singing incredible songs like “Feeling Good,” “Moondance,” “Come Fly With Me,” “Home,” “Everything,” “Save the Last Dance for Me,” and many more, Shades of Bublé: A Three-Man Tribute to Michael Bublé brings the swinging standards and pop hits of Bublé to the stage in an unforgettable high-energy concert event. Shades of Bublé, created by Melissa Giattino and Ron DeStefano and produced by Drew Pournelle, will play beginning July 13 in FST's Goldstein Cabaret.

Florida Studio Theatre, 1241 North Palm Ave., Sarasota

[SOON]  SEMINAR: Virtual: Bookstore1Sarasota: The Poetry Zoom Book Club , October 13, 2pm

Wednesday, October 13th at 2pm. The Poetry Zoom Book Club led by Doug Knowlton. The Poetry Book Club is currently discussing works of local published poets. This month’s selection is Linda Albert’s Charting the Lost Continent. A fee of $18 is required for participation. This includes a copy of Charting the Lost Continent to be picked up at Bookstore1 and the book club meeting. There is an additional fee of $5.50 to have the book shipped. Poetry has the power to help us deeply connect with others while accessing our higher selves. At its best, poetry can act as a reflective mirror and catalyst for personal growth and societal change. Charting the Lost Continent comes at a time in history when its message is more important than ever as both men and women collectively work toward female empowerment, self-acceptance, and gender equality. Linda Albert is an internationally published award-winning poet, essayist, and former theater director. Her book Charting the Lost Continent has been chosen as a finalist and medal winner by the Florida Authors & Publishers Association. Ticket purchase required for Zoom link. More event info at https://www.sarasotabooks.com/bookclubs or 941-365-7900.

[SOON]  GALLERY: Michael Murphy Gallery: Salvador Dali: The Argillet Collection , September 16 – September 26, 1pm-3pm and 7pm-9pm

Michael Murphy Gallery, Tampa’s premier fine art gallery, is proud to announce its presentation of Salvador Dali: The Argillet Collection. The collection will be on exhibition and available for acquisition at the gallery beginning September 16, 2021. The exhibition is a rare opportunity to meet Madame Christine Argillet, daughter of Dali's legendary publisher and confidante Pierre Argillet, during scheduled special appearances by Madame Argillet for the public: Saturday, September 25 from 1pm–3pm and 7pm–9pm as well as Sunday, September 26 from 1pm–3pm. All appearances are complimentary to the public. For additional information about this exhibition, contact the gallery via phone: 813.902.1414 or info@michaelmurphygallery.com. RSVPs are strongly recommended HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/salvador-dali-the-argillet-collection-tickets-165960505339.

[SOON]  FESTIVAL: First 1,000 Days Sarasota: Color the Community , April 6 – December 31

First 1,000 Days Sarasota County is a community initiative to improve the health and well-being of babies and families. At the end of 2020, the initiative and its 75 community partners launched a website to empower all parents and caregivers with simple tools proven to promote quality early childhood development. The initiative partners are now using the power of art to celebrate families and promote local educational resources available to them.  Utilizing free curriculum with fun activities for parents to do with their children and a sidewalk chalk festival, First 1,000 Days Sarasota is encouraging the community to get involved this spring in the “Color the Community” campaign. The campaign kicked off with the unveiling of three new works of art across Sarasota County: “Swing Out Into the World,” by Laura Pommier at 14212 Tamiami Trail in North Port, its sister mural, “Bubbles,” by Truman Adams, at Forty Carrots Family Center, 1500 South Tuttle Avenue, in Sarasota; and a traveling artwork, “Making Roots,” being created by Traci Kegerreis, are designed as gateways for young families to learn about resources available to support parents in being their child’s first teacher. Artists were encouraged to creatively express one or more of the fundamentals of early childhood development, known as “The Basics.” First 1,000 Days Sarasota County is now asking the broader community to follow suit. Children and families can easily get involved by: Creating sidewalk chalk art (or your preferred medium) inspired by The Basics early learning principles: Maximize love, manage stress, Count, group, compare, Talk, sing, and point, Explore through play and movement, and Read and discuss stories; Posting photos of you and your masterpiece to social media. Tag @First1000DaysSarasota on Facebook and Instagram and use hashtags #First1000DaysSarasota #ColortheCommunity; and Visiting First1000DaysSarasota.com to sign up for free text tips on The Basics and connect with local resources for parents and young children.

[SOON]  HEALTH: Let's Get Healthy Tampa Bay Wellness Expos , September 18 – September 26, 10am-2pm, 11am-3pm, 10am-2pm, 12pm-4pm

Let’s Get Healthy Tampa Bay Wellness Expos, Florida Penguin Production’s annual wellness expo series, is returning to 4 locations this September. (Brandon, Sarasota, Clearwater & Citrus Park) Each “Let’s Get Healthy Wellness Expo” will feature 30-40 wellness related resources & activations catered to patrons of all ages. From Geriatrics to Pediatrics, and holistic to modern, we have it all in one place for Tampa Bay to learn more about all the options available to them. Activities include fitness demos, free health checks, healthy food & drink samples, product sampling stations, a Teddy Bear Giveaway sponsored by Florida Blue, and dozens of vendors on display including many of the top Health Insurance brands, chiropractors, mental health, government services, primary care, fitness, and healthy food and drinks. Sponsored by Florida Blue, Liberty Dental Plans, Life Guard Imaging, and Your CBD Store. September 18th (10am-2pm) at The Mall at University Town Center - 140 University Town Center Dr, Sarasota, September 19th (11am-3pm) at Westfield Brandon Mall - 459 Brandon Town Center Dr, Brandon, September 25th (10am-2pm) at Countryside Mall - 27001 US Hwy 19 N, Clearwater, and September 26th (12pm-4pm) at Citrus Park Mall - Center, 8021 Citrus Park Town, Tampa.

[SOON]  MUSIC: Sarasota Orchestra: Chamber Soirees: Music of Youth , September 26, 4pm

A program about the joys of youth, written by the young and young at heart on Sunday, September 26 at 4pm at Holley Hall. Inspired by Shel Silverstein's Where the Sidewalk Ends. The progam consists of Josef Suk Piano Quartet in A Minor, Op. 1, Janacek Mladi ("Youth Suite"), Kenji Bunch Shout Chorus, and Mendelssohn String Quartet No. 1, Op. 12.

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: International Recording and Touring Artist Kim Logan Performance , September 26, 5pm-9pm

SRQ native, now international recording and touring artist Kim Logan will perform on Sunday, September 26 from 5pm to 9pm at the Whiskey Barrel on St. Armand’s Circle near downtown Sarasota, with food and drink service starting at 2pm. Logan returns home to Sarasota, a year after last departing the States for her new home in Paris, to join forces once more with James Albritton of the Hydramatic! The local soul/rock outfit reunites after performing all over the Eastern USA in 2016-2017, and later completing a tour of the United Kingdom in March of 2020 right before the pandemic. Kim brings her psychedelic blues rock vibe, as James joins her with his retro rhythm and soul, creating the dynamic combo that brought you 2017’s "Fresh Juice" EP... available now on all streaming and download platforms! The Whiskey Barrel is located at 15 S Boulevard of the Presidents.

[SOON]  MUSEUM: Skyway 2020: A Contemporary Collaboration , June 20 – October 3, 10am-5pm

The Skyway 2020 exhibition, now in its second iteration, is a celebration of artistic practices in the Tampa Bay region, as it is a collaboration between four institutions: the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg; The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota; the Tampa Museum of Art; and the University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa. Working together, curators from each institution will offer context for the diversity of art being made in Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, and Sarasota counties. Artworks and projects in the exhibition will be selected by museum curators and the guest juror, Claire Tancons, an independent curator and scholar whose practice takes a global focus on the conditions of cultural production. Tancons has curated biennials around the world, including Prospect.1, New Orleans; the 2008 Gwangju Biennial; and the 2019 Sharjah Biennial. This exhibit will begin on June 20, 2021 and will end on October 3, 2021. Runs from 10am to 5pm.

The Ringling Museum, 5401 Bay Shore Road

[SOON]  SEMINAR: Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization: Destination Zero Workshop , September 27, 10:30am-12pm

All members of the community, and the press, who live, work, or play in Sarasota and Manatee County are invited to join Manatee and Sarasota County and City Elected Officials, the Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District 1 to prioritize regional transportation safety needs for the MPO Destination Zero Action Plan. The MPO is interested in hearing from individuals of all ages, ethnicities, and economic statuses about regional transportation safety challenges. the Destination Zero Workshop will be held on September 27, 2021, from 10:30am to 12pm, at the Bradenton Area Convention Center, 1 Haben Boulevard, Palmetto. Contact Corinne Tucker at 941-259-6046 for more information or to schedule an interview with an MPO representative.

SRQ Media Group

SRQ DAILY is produced by SRQ | The Magazine. Note: The views and opinions expressed in the Saturday Perspectives Edition and in the Letters department of SRQ DAILY are those of the author(s) and do not imply endorsement by SRQ Media. Senior Editor Jacob Ogles edits the Saturday Perspective Edition, Letters and Guest Contributor columns.In the CocoTele department, SRQ DAILY is providing excerpts from news releases as a public service. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by SRQ DAILY. The views expressed by individuals are their own and their appearance in this section does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. For rates on SRQ DAILY banner advertising and sponsored content opportunities, please contact Ashley Ryan Cannon at 941-365-7702 x211 or via email

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