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SRQ DAILY Oct 27, 2022

Thursday Family and Recreation Edition

Thursday Family and Recreation Edition

"To open your arms to people who are different is to open your mind to infinite possibilities."

- Angela Zhong, Embracing Our Differences Student.

[Inclusion ]  2022-2023 Embracing Our Differences Educator Ambassador Program Comes to NewGate School in Lakewood Ranch
Ariana Kolesar, ariana@srqme.com

Last Wednesday, NewGate International Montessori School’s Lakewood Ranch Campus hosted the initial 2022-2023 Embracing Our Differences Educator Ambassadors Program meeting. This gathering is the first of six sessions that will be held through the end of 2022 and into 2023 recognizing and facilitating discussion amongst returning and newly applied ambassadors to the program. Teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators learn about Embracing Our Differences (EOD) aligned topics and are taught to identify them within their own educational environments. Topics are also researched by ambassadors to create innovative projects that they present to their colleagues. Ambassadorship means continuing education as an educator and applying EOD’s values of inclusion and belonging to one’s everyday interactions with students, associates, the greater academic community of Sarasota County and beyond.

Over dinner, EOD Director Ben Jewell-Plocher led 33 educators from around Sarasota and Manatee counties in a series of presentations and stimulating activities aimed to familiarize attendees with one another by focusing on Embracing Our Differences art exhibits and quotes from previous years. NewGate’s Secondary Program Instructor Amy Kremer-Treibly stated “I enjoyed hearing that the Ambassadors program had such great interest this year that they decided to take more applicants into the program.  Ben Jewell-Plocher, the director of the program, organized several interesting activities for the ambassadors to get to know one another over dinner, and he involved us in hearing and sharing quotes from prior years of the art exhibit which were all very inspirational.” Kremer-Treibly went on to share a quote from 2020 by 12th grader Angela Zhong in Cypress, Texas “‘To open your arms to people who are different is to open your mind to infinite possibilities.’” 

At the core of EOD is its drive to share a message of inclusion and belonging to students and school communities countywide. With this message in mind, Jewell-Plotcher shared the good news that the Embracing Our Differences art exhibits will be showcased in three communities this year: Bayfront Park in Sarasota, Butler Park in North Port, and at State College of Florida in Bradenton. 

Pictured: Embracing Our Differences speaker Ben Jewell-Plocher, Learning and Engagement Director, Educator Ambassadors Program. Photo courtesy of NewGate Montessori School.

To learn more click here

[Music Scholars]  A look into Key Chorale's Student Scholar Program

Key Chorale announces its Student Scholar class for the 2022/23 concert season. The 14 students attend 5 Sarasota and Manatee County schools. Applicants are first recommended by their choir director and then selected through personal interviews and competitive auditions. Student Scholars sing a full performance season with Key Chorale as well as part of several other performance opportunities and masterclasses held throughout the season. The Key Chorale Student Scholar Program is designed to prepare gifted juniors and seniors for college-level success in music. This experience is designed for students with an exceptional aptitude for music, who plan to further their musical studies after high school. Students are expected to be academically successful to encourage academic commitment along with musical commitment. Through support from the Community Foundation of Sarasota County and Key Chorale donors, all experiences are made available at no cost to the selected participants. Key Chorale’s education committee chair and Artistic Director always collaborate with the high school choral directors leading up to the new season. This connection contributes significantly to high school student interest in Key Chorale and the Student Scholar Program.  Key Chorale has had 27 students complete the program since it began in 2017. Nearly 50% of those alumni are either music majors or minors, and 100% are still involved in their college choir, community chorus, or Key Chorale. The goals of the student scholar program are to inspire a lifelong love and even career in vocal music, build good citizens as well as good musicians, and provide tools and experiences beyond the scope of what public school music programs can offer. 

Pictured: Key Chorale student scholars 2022. Photo courtesy of Key Chorale.

To learn more click here.

[Recreation]  K.O.P.S. (Kids and Officers Promoting Solidarity) Teen Tennis Night to be Held Friday, Nov. 4 from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m.

The City of Sarasota Parks and Recreation Department is partnering with the Sarasota Police Department, Robert L. Taylor Community Complex, and Payne Park Tennis Center to present “K.O.P.S. Teen Tennis Night” on Friday, November 4 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. K.O.P.S. - Kids and Officers Promoting Solidarity - is a special program created to promote positive relationships between local youth and law enforcement. The event is geared towards kids ages 10 – 15 and will offer a free and safe evening that will include tennis skill-building games, fun in the Court 13 game room, and demonstrations from the Sarasota Police Department. All tennis skill levels are welcome. Food, refreshments, and supervision will be provided - all free of charge! Participants will also receive a free t-shirt. The program is open to up to 50 kids and will be held at the Payne Park Tennis Center, 2050 Adams Lane, in downtown Sarasota. Registration is required. Parents/guardians can register their children online at: https://kops-tennis.eventbrite.com/ or stop by the Robert L. Taylor Community Complex (1845 John Rivers Street, Sarasota) Monday – Friday from 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. or Saturday from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Free transportation from North Sarasota is available, leaving from the Robert L. Taylor Community Complex. Drop off will be at 5:30 p.m. and pick up at 10:00 p.m. Participants needing transportation should select the “Transportation” ticket option at Registration.For more information, please contact the Robert L. Taylor Community Complex by calling (941) 263-6562. 

[Grant awarded]  Teen Court of Sarasota Receives Funding from Gulf Coast Community Foundation to Provide Teens Tools to Make Better Choices

With the generous support of Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Teen Court of Sarasota, Inc. will continue to reduce recidivism for high-need youth. Gulf Coast Community Foundation has awarded Teen Court of Sarasota $30,000 in grant funding to support the various in-house programs used to positively redirect students when they have received a school suspension, Civil Citation, or have been referred to Teen Court by their parent. This funding will ensure the youth referred to Teen Court receive the tools to make better choices and improve their mental well-being. From partnerships between our law enforcement agencies, Teen Court of Sarasota and Gulf Coast Community Foundation will transform the lives of those referred to Teen Court for a second chance. Specifically, those young people who have experimented with drugs or alcohol. The partnership with Gulf Coast Community Foundation will provide support to pay for mental health counseling using Teen Court’s private practice counselors to assure the most at-risk teens do not have a waiting period as they have already shown signs of need. The Anna V. Pfister, Nellie Mae Koss and Helen K. Hadden Memorial Endowment Fund has kindly designated $10,000 of the funding to support the Teen Court Middle School Expansion Program. Teen Court has seen that young people are experimenting with drugs, alcohol and other poor decision-making at an earlier age. Having a Teen Court Case Manager onsite at the middle school level in North Port will ensure that the student’s trajectory into their high school years is free of a tarnish on their record. Additionally, the funding received from Gulf Coast Community Foundation will support the Teen Court’s CAMP X-RAYD (Examine the Reality About Your Decisions) program. This program includes team building with law enforcement, a tour of the morgue, life skills and physical fitness, a visit to the Sarasota County Sheriff recovery pods (with lunch), and an information session at the Venice Fire Department. This is Teen Court’s signature program that addresses those young people who have used drugs or alcohol and have been involved with bullying or fighting or other risky behaviors. They are shown what could happen if they do not turn their lives around in a full Saturday reality day with four weeks of group support classes that follow. Gulf Coast Community Foundation was with Teen Court from the beginning with the expansion of Sarasota County Teen Court services and programs at the satellite location in North Port. Teen Court programs are successful based on a 93% success rate.  

[Halloween]  Sheriff’s Office to Host Third Annual Halloween Drive-Thru

The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce its Third Annual Halloween Drive-Thru on Saturday, October 29, at the agency’s Sarasota headquarters. The event was created in 2020 as a safe alternative to trick-or-treating in response to concerns surrounding COVID-19. Personnel staged static displays in the agency’s headquarters parking lot, distributing an estimated 80,000 pieces of candy to more than 1,100 attendees. The event was held again in 2021 and is being held for the third year in a row following its overwhelming success. The Halloween Drive-Thru will take place from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at 6010 Cattleridge Boulevard. Attendees will be directed to enter Cattleridge Boulevard between the Arby’s restaurant and BP convenience store before heading north toward the event. To streamline traffic flow, drivers will enter the north parking lot in two lanes and follow instructions from personnel on where to go. Because this is a drive-thru event, there will be no on-site parking, and all attendees are asked to remain in their vehicles. 

[Health Event]  HCA Florida Blake Hospital and HCA Florida Sarasota Doctors North Emergency to Host Crush the Crisis Opioid Take Back Day

HCA Florida Blake Hospital and HCA Florida Sarasota Doctors Hospital are hosting the annual “Crush the Crisis” national opioid take back day Saturday, October 29, 2022, 9:00 am- Noon. The event helps raise awareness about the dangers of opioid misuse and the importance of safe and proper disposal of unused or expired medications. It coincides with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and invites the community to safely dispose of unused or expired medication before it may be obtained and misused. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 107,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2021, almost a 15 percent increase from 2020. Law enforcement officers from the Bradenton Police Department and the Manatee County Sheriff’s office will be collecting: tablets, capsules and patches of Hydrocodone (Norco, Lortab, Vicodin), Oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet), Tramadol (Ultram), Codeine, Fentanyl (Duragesic), Morphine, Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) and Oxymorphone (Opana). Ointments, lotions, drops, vape cartridges (without batteries) and pet medications will also be accepted. Any medications are accepted; however, needles, syringes, lancets or liquids will not be accepted.

HCA Florida Blake Hospital, 2020 59th Street West, Bradenton, HCA Florida Sarasota Doctors North Emergency, 8500 SR 70 East, Bradenton. 

[Sarasota Opera ]  2022 Fall Season Opera

Join Sarasota Opera for its 64th season during 2022-23. 

 This fall, audiences will be treated with a Sarasota Opera premiere, Cimarosa’s The Secret Marriage (Il Matrimonio Segreto). The opera tells the tale of a social-climbing father who wants his eldest daughter to marry an aristocrat, and is prepared to buy his way in. This will be the first-ever run of The Secret Marriage in Sarasota Opera’s history.

 The fall lineup also features Sarasota Youth Opera’s performances of The Secret World of Og by Canadian composer Dean Burry, last performed at the Sarasota Opera House in 2016.

 2023 Winter Opera Festival

 The 2023 winter season kicks off on February 18th with an enduring classic and one of Giacomo Puccini’s most popular operas, Madama Butterfly. A Sarasota Opera favorite since its debut at the theatre in 1968!

 The winter season also presents Mozart’s comedy, Don Giovanni – the first time the work has been shown at the opera house since 2011. Audiences will be transported to 17th century Spain for a tale of obsession, betrayal, crime and retribution revolving around the infamous lover Don Juan, who leaves a path of broken hearts wherever he goes. The winter lineup also includes Ernani by Giuseppe Verdi and  Thérèse by Massenet, which tells a story of unrequited love during the French Revolution.

 Tickets are on sale now for the 2022-23 season. 

Click here to learn more

[Fundraising]  All Faiths Food Bank Raises $188,000 During Inaugural FriendsGiving Fundraiser

On October 23, All Faiths Food Bank presented its first-ever FriendsGiving fundraiser, which will become the organization's annual fundraiser and signature event for the holiday season. The event raised $188,000 in support of the food bank's ThankFULL Tummies campaign, an annual effort to distribute turkeys to neighbors facing hunger during the holidays. During the event, which took place at Mattison's Forty-One, co-chairs Dawn Doughty and Elaine Burton welcomed the 150 guests, then All Faiths Food Bank's CEO Sandra Frank spoke about community needs as well as the food bank's efforts related to Hurricane Ian and what looks to be a long recovery ahead. Chef Paul Mattison emceed the live auction and paddle raise, and then a powerful video was shown highlighting two of the food bank’s team members with lived experience of food insecurity. Guests enjoyed a delicious family-style meal, featuring Roasted Turkey Galantine. Major sponsors for the event were Mariner Wealth Advisors, Bruce and Elaine Burton, Dennis and Dawn Doughty, and Ron and Jo Jadin. This holiday season, All Faiths' goal is to distribute more than 13,000 turkeys, and a total of 3.6 million holiday meals, through its own distributions as well as through its network of 200 partner agencies. For more information, or to make a gift to the ThankFULL campaign, visit allfaithsfoodbank.org. 

Pictured: In attendance at All Faiths Food Bank's FriendsGiving event were (from l-r) Michelle Roy, All Faiths board member Paul Cantor, and All Faiths CEO Sandra Frank. Photo by Cliff Roles

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: Sarasota Opera: The Secret Marriage , October 28 – November 12, Varied

The Secret Marriage (Il matrimonio segreto) An opera in two acts. Sung in Italian with translations in English. Music by Domenico Cimarosa and Libretto by Givovanni Bertati. Tells the story of a social-climbing father who wants his eldest daughter to marry an aristocrat and is prepared to buy his way in. When the would-be suitor arrives, his eye falls on the younger daughter instead. But she has secretly married her father’s clerk. Although not often performed, this delightful comic opera was such a hit at its premiere, that the audience insisted on an encore, of the entire opera! (61 N. Pineapple Ave. Sarasota, FL 34236 Ph. 941-328-1300 Email boxoffice@sarasotaopera.org) October 28th-November 12th

Sarasota Opera

[SOON]  FILM: Sarasota Film Society: The Rocky Horror Picture Show , October 28, 10:00pm

Lakewood Ranch Cinemas will be screening "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" on October 28th. The Evening kicks off at 10:00pm with A Costume Contest with the Winner receiving a $50 Gift Card to Sarasota Film Society.  Come Dressed in your Ghoulish Best. The Screening of the film starts at 10:30pm.  Enjoy the film with BOGO Beer & Wine Specials. Tickets for this event are $30 each which inclues Ticket to the Film, Popcorn, Soft Drink & Choice of Candy. Tickets must be purchased in advanced online.  Last Day for sales will be October 25th at 5pm. For more info Ph. (941) 955-3456, filmsociety.org.

Lakewood Ranch Cinemas , 10715 Rodeo Drive #8 Sarasota, FL 34202

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: The Ringling - An Untitled Love by A.I.M. - Kyle Abraham , October 28 – October 29, 7:30pm

An Untitled Love by A.I.M. - Kyle Abraham October 28th and 29th at 7:30PM $25-$35 at The Ringling Historic Asolo Theater. A.I.M by Kyle Abraham is a Black-led contemporary dance company that provides multifaceted performances, educational programming, and community-based workshops. The mission of A.I.M by Kyle Abraham is to create a body of dance-based work that is galvanized by Black culture and history. The work, informed by and made in conjunction with artists across a range of disciplines, entwines a sensual and provocative vocabulary with a strong emphasis on music, text, video, and visual art. For information and tickets https://www.ringling.org/events/untitled-love-aim-kyle-abraham Contact 941-360-7399

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: The Players Centre - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow , October 27 – October 29, Varied

THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW October 27th-29th. The Players Centre for Performing Arts is proud to present the 6th annual Legend of Sleepy Hollow at The Sarasota Polo Club. This family-friendly, spooky, festive play about Ichabod Crane, the object of his affection Katrina, his rival Brom Bones, and of course, one of the most famous ghosts in America, the Headless Horseman has become a Halloween Favorite in Sarasota. Please bring your own lawn chairs and blankets, no seating will be provided. This is an outdoor event so please dress appropriately/protect yourself from the sun. For Tickets:  https://www.theplayers.org/events-calendar/the-legend-of-sleepy-hollow-2/ The Sarasota Polo Club 8201 Polo Club Ln, Sarasota, FL 34240">

THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW October 27th-29th. The Players Centre for Performing Arts is proud to present the 6th annual Legend of Sleepy Hollow at The Sarasota Polo Club. This family-friendly, spooky, festive play about Ichabod Crane, the object of his affection Katrina, his rival Brom Bones, and of course, one of the most famous ghosts in America, the Headless Horseman has become a Halloween Favorite in Sarasota. Please bring your own lawn chairs and blankets, no seating will be provided. This is an outdoor event so please dress appropriately/protect yourself from the sun. For Tickets:  https://www.theplayers.org/events-calendar/the-legend-of-sleepy-hollow-2/ The Sarasota Polo Club 8201 Polo Club Ln, Sarasota, FL 34240

The Sarasota Polo Club, 8201 Polo Club Ln, Sarasota, FL 34240

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: Manatee Performing Art Center: Pets! , November 2 – November 20, Varied

Pets! November 2 – 20, 2022. This critically-acclaimed musical revue consists of 22 musical scenes dealing with the very special relationship between people and their pets. It’s clever, user-friendly and suits audiences of all ages. Cats, dogs, mice, turtles, iguanas, parakeets and other species are having the times of their lives. The scenes range from a dog hungrily eyeing his owner’s bagel in “There’s a Bagel on the Piano'' to the hilarious, harried Rumanian dog walker in “I Walk Ze Dogs.” For more information visit www.manateeperformingartscenter.com, Ticket Office 941-748-5875

Manatee Performing Arts Center , 502 Third Avenue West Bradenton, FL 34205

[SOON]  MUSIC: Sarasota Orchestra - November Concert , November 4 – November 6, Varied

Sarasota Orchestra Presents Acclaimed Guest Artists in November Concerts. Masterworks 1: Symphonie Fantastique runs November 4th-6th at the Van Wezel. Sarasota Orchestra’s first Masterworks program of the 2022-2023 season features works written by three composers at the beginning of their careers. Prizewinning composer Quinn Mason describes A Joyous Trilogy, written in 2019, as “the very embodiment of happiness and cheerfulness.” Grammy-nominated pianist Joyce Yang shines in Grieg’s Piano Concerto, completed when the composer was just 24. The program concludes with Berlioz’s evocative Symphonie fantastique. Tickets from $37, available at www.SarasotaOrchestra.org or (941) 953-3434

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: The Secret World of Og , November 5 – November 6, 11/05 at 5:00PM, 11/06 at 12:00PM

Sarasota Youth Opera will perform the operatic adaptation of the well-known children’s book by Canadian icon Pierre Berton.  Discover the classic story of a group of siblings who venture into the dark subterranean world of the Ogs to rescue their baby brother and cat.  This story has been a favorite with Canadian children since its publication in the 1960s. For tickets visit sarasotaopera.org or call +1 941 328 1300 61 N Pineapple Ave Sarasota, FL 34236. For tickets visit www.sarasotaopera.org/tickets-events or call +1 941 328 1300 61 N Pineapple Ave.Sarasota.

[SOON]  MUSIC: Manatee Performing Arts Center: Night of R&B and Jazz with Nu Jazz , November 5, 7:30pm

NuJazz is a contemporary jazz band from the Sarasota/Bradenton area. They play hits from many artists in the genre such as The Rippingtons, Richard Elliot, Peter White, Spyro Gyra, Boney James and many more. NuJazz is led by Dr. Melvin Price, a local Foot & Ankle Surgeon with MCR Health. Along with accomplished musicians Eric Enfield, Ron Ross, Corey Ross, Gregg Jordan, Keith Allenand Veola Drain. NuJazz brings your favorite R&B tunes to a new level with a jazz twist. For more information visit www.manateeperformingartscenter.com, Ticket Office 941-748-5875

Manatee Performing Arts Center , 502 Third Avenue West Bradenton, FL 34205

[SOON]  GRAB BAG: Friendsgiving - Dessert and Wine Auction , November 5, 6:30pm-9:30pm

Save the date for Friendsgiving, a Dessert and Wine Auction to benefit local shelter animals on November 5th from 6:30 to 9:30 at the Elks Lodge #1511, 2511 75th St. West Bradenton. Delectable desserts made by professional bakeries and gift baskets will be available by live and silent auction. There will be a wine raffle, lite bites and a cash bar. Free to attend. Proceeds benefit: Grace and Friends Medical Fund, Heal My Heart treating heartworm positive dogs, Slumber Fund for dog beds, Traveling Paws transporting dogs to northern forever homes, Enrichment and Food for Ferals. 

Elks Lodge

[SOON]  FESTIVAL: Sarasota Medieval Fair , November 5 – November 27, 10am-5:30pm

SARASOTA MEDIEVAL FAIR Every Saturday and Sunday running November 5th-27th, 2022 at Woods of Mallaranny (29847 FL-70 E.Myakka City, FL 34251). Welcome one and all to four weekends of exciting tournaments, scrumptious feasts, & pure family fun at the 18th Annual Sarasota Medieval Fair! Live the majesty and madness of knights, jesters, minstrels, acrobatics, wenches, and sword swingers! Watch jousts and human combat chess tournaments! Listen to musical displays of powerful bagpipes and the heart pounding drums. Feast on turkey legs and hearty ales. A full day of entertainment. You will not miss your favorite show as you stroll through the village as the shows repeat several times a day to adjust to your schedule. Get into the fun by wearing your favorite medieval or renaissance garb to feel part of the clan! For tickets visit www.sarasotamedievalfair.com Phone 1-888-303-FAIR (3247)

Woods of Mallaranny, 29847 FL-70 E. Myakka City, FL 34251

[SOON]  GRAB BAG: Trick or Treat at the Bazaar on Apricot and Lime , October 29, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Free indoor trick or treating on Saturday, Oct. 29 from 10-3pm at The Bazaar on Apricot & Lime. Join the 40+ local creators and curators for a fun and festive day. Costumes are encouraged. Live music by Sean Adam Walsh. Located at 821 Apricot Ave in Sarasota. www.BazaaronApricotandLime.com for more information. Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/1SXQeVpTF .

[SOON]  MUSEUM: The Boo! At the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature , October 29, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Are you ready for a night at the Museum gathering candy at Boo! at the Bishop?! Join us and our community partners on Saturday, October 29 from 6pm-9pm for safe, family fun. You’ll leave with candy and plenty of memories! We’re so excited to host this annual event! Costumes are encouraged, however we ask that they be family friendly. This event will take you through parts of the Museum while visiting tables for candy. Please bring a bag for candy collection. We will have elevator access available for those with strollers or who need assistance. Cost is $7 per person, children under 4 are free. Register at: https://26965.blackbaudhosting.com/26965/Boo-at-the-Bishop-A-Trick-or-Treat-Night-at-the-Museum

[SOON]  SPORTS: Bradentucky Bombers vs. Swan City Roller Derby , November 5, 5pm

The Bradentucky Bombers are excited to announce our next home game on Saturday, November 5th against Swan City Roller Derby, a team out of Lakeland, Florida. Saturday, November 5th at Ellenton Ice & Sports Complex (5309 29th St E., Ellenton, Florida 34222) at 5:00 p.m, doors open at 4:30pm. Tickets are available! Presale—$10 online; Adults at the door—$15; Kids 6-12––$10 at the door; Kids 5 and under FREE! For more information visit www.bradentuckybombers.com or our Eventbrite to purchase tickets (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bradentucky-bombers-vs-swan-city-roller-derby-tickets-435757411147).  Plenty of bleacher seating is available, but for close-up action and trackside seating, bring a chair. Make sure to shake the Florida sand out of your beach chairs before coming in, friends!

Ellenton Ice and Sports Complex , 5309 29th Street East Ellenton, FL 34222

[SOON]  HEALTH: Vets, Pets & Jets 5K & Fun Run/Walk , November 12

2022 Vets, Pets & Jets 5K and Fun Run at SRQ presented by KW Suncoast, Humane Society of Sarasota County and Sarasota Bradenton International Airport. This one-time-only event is sure to add some spring to your step. Go inside the gates of Sarasota Bradenton International Airport (SRQ) for a competitive 5K and a 1-mile fun run/walk like no other. The course will be safely nestled along an active taxiway on the north airfield of SRQ. We’ll also have food, music, vendors, activities, and prizes, so bring the entire family—even the four-legged members. And since it coincides with Veterans Day weekend, we’ll be doing a special salute to our military service members. Proceeds benefit the Humane Society of Sarasota County. All participants and attendees must register by 11:59pm on November 9. No day-of registrations allowed, even for spectators, per airport policy.

Sarasota Bradenton International Airport, 1120 Clyde Jones Road Sarasota, FL 34243

[SOON]  MUSIC: Hermitage at Booker: Reggie Harris and the Power of Music , November 4, 5:30pm

Hermitage at Booker: Reggie Harris and the Power of Music, Friday, November 4 at 5:30 pm: Returning Hermitage Fellow Reggie Harris believes that music has the power to unite, the power to uplift, and the power to heal. An international leader in the folk and acoustic music scene for more than 40 years, Harris brings all his skill and charm to Booker High School and invites the community along for the joyful ride. Join this incredible musician and storyteller to rediscover the essential power of music to move us all. Presented outdoors and socially distanced in the Booker High School courtyard in partnership with Booker High School VPA. Registration is required at HermitageArtistRetreat.org ($5/person registration fee). Booker High School Courtyard, 3201 N. Orange Ave., Sarasota, FL 34234.

Booker High School Courtyard, 3201 N. Orange Ave., Sarasota, FL 34234

[SOON]  FESTIVAL: WSLR's 13th Annual Very Merry Jerry Day , November 6, 4pm-9pm

Break out the tie-dye and hula hoops for WSLR's annual celebration of Jerry Garcia on Sunday, November 6th from 4-9pm. Playing guitar and singing for his band, The Grateful Dead, as well as several others, Garcia took his hippie movement from the 60's into the 90's, inspiring the following of millions of long-haired, tie-dye t-shirted, carefree "Deadheads."  The newly renovated patio will be hopping as The Joint Chiefs and Dead Uncle’s Ship take the stage. This is a family-friendly event, with kids’ activities and local vendors tabling. Attendees can bring t-shirts, socks, etc. for tie-dying, but no coolers please. Come out and help us re-create the mood and celebrate the music of the Grateful Dead.  Tickets are $12 for WSLR members and $15 for the general public; half-price for students and free for children under 12.  Tickets are available at www.wslr.org.  For more information call WSLR at 941-894-6469.  

[SOON]  FESTIVAL: CoolToday Park Announce Second Annual Grilled Cheese Festival , November 19, 11am-6pm

CoolToday Park, the Spring Training Home of the Atlanta Braves, announce the return of the wildly popular Grilled Cheese Festival on November 19, 2022. The free, family-friendly event will take place on Saturday, November 19, from 11am-6pm, and will feature food trucks, a beer garden, live music, kids’ activities, and more. Parking is $5 per car. Each food truck will offer grilled cheese themed items along with their regular menu. Attendees can vote on their favorite grilled cheese items from these categories: Traditional, Meat Lovers, and Freestyle. Armbands will be issued to those aged 21+ for free beer samples. Craft and domestic beers will be available for purchase, along with a custom beer stein. On the Front Plaza lawn, kids’ activities will include face painting and a speed pitch game. Also on the Front Plaza will be a stage with live music, community booths, and the Braves Street Team. For more information on the Grilled Cheese Festival, or CoolToday Park, visit cooltodaypark.com.

CoolToday Park , 18800 South West Villages Pkwy Venice, FL 34293

SRQ Media Group

SRQ DAILY is produced by SRQ | The Magazine. Note: The views and opinions expressed in the Saturday Perspectives Edition and in the Letters department of SRQ DAILY are those of the author(s) and do not imply endorsement by SRQ Media. Senior Editor Jacob Ogles edits the Saturday Perspective Edition, Letters and Guest Contributor columns.In the CocoTele department, SRQ DAILY is providing excerpts from news releases as a public service. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by SRQ DAILY. The views expressed by individuals are their own and their appearance in this section does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. For rates on SRQ DAILY banner advertising and sponsored content opportunities, please contact Ashley Ryan Cannon at 941-365-7702 x211 or via email

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