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of the district attorney a reconciliation was effected before the case was disposed of in court, and the man was placed on probation upon the recommendation of the prose .

ole; but the respectability of his silk hat and well-made coat was unimpeachable, and he had all the air of easy command which is so characteristic of the well-bred Engli .

nation: for what had she to forgive? He pushed the writing materials away from him, and went to the fireplace, where a small fire was burning very dimly. The day was clou .

ster, Baldwin, for tacking on question-begging constitutional phrases to a legal opinion, but he told Stanley, quite frankly, that, "whether the doctrine of responsible g .

eve God and his word, rather than to trust to the old serpent. Let us be thankful that the seed of the woman is the Saviour of Men. Eden is not all shadow, even after the .

opez and his men, the entire force, or as many as remained, were prisoners. CHAPTER XIII. A NARROW ESCAPE. Two days later the three boys sat on the verandah of Mr. Black' .

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County Council's mains furnishing, without special charge, a constant supply up to the top of every house: the County Council's hydrants and standpipes yielding abundant .

eh?" asked Ralph at the breakfast table the next morning. "I judged so, because it was one o'clock before I could leave Dad's office to get some lunch. He and Dick insis .

erious thoughts of turning minister myself; donning a gray wig and white cravat, and 'spounding the Bible, as the blacks say, to my deluded hearers. 'Pon honor, it's the .

sier said that "he denounced militarism root and branch," and Mr. Keir Hardie, a Communist Socialist, in seconding, said: "The resolution was not only a declaration again .

ed the relation, hitherto so sweet, between mother and daughter, and thereby inflicted on her an injury which nothing on earth could repair or justify. Could nothing be d .

taken without a consultation. If it is hoped or expected that the man will return to his home after imprisonment, he should be earnestly cultivated by the social worker .

mber of the Provincial Parliament, p. 29. [3] Baldwin Correspondence: La Fontaine to Baldwin, 26 July, 1845. [4] _Parliamentary Paper concerning the Canadian Civil List_ ulysse nardin replica watches price list pped a stitch in my knitting," said Grandmother suddenly. "Brother, I wonder if you could run upstairs and bring me my glasses? I think they are on the bureau in my room. .

WEBB, S.: _Socialism: True and False._ Fabian Society. London 1894. WELLS, H.G.: _Socialism and the Middle Classes, in "Fortnightly Review," November 1906._ London. WELLS .

as a banker, and is president of the Centerville National Bank. His material interests have not prevented him from taking an active interest in educational matters and m .

(respect being had to their said severall and respective Climates). And how the said Commodities may easiest, best, and with least Observation, be obtained from the said .

ure; and to receive such unexpected good fortune was something for which he felt deeply grateful, and he told the merchant so. But, as Guly was moving away, a sudden thou .

, so that the sanctity of the home may not be defiled by the entrance of a medical man. Nevertheless, Socialists never tire of preaching: "If there is one disease which i .

interests as well as to the enthusiasm of all except the few who think the world good enough as it is.... It is, of course, to the discontented wage-workers that the Soci .

n, stood by the mother country in war; it may be that, in the future, the attempt to seek peace and ensue it will prove a more lasting, as it must certainly be a loftier, .

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of the proposals we put forward in order to get rid of this hideous difficulty of the unemployed. The argument was put forward then, that the restriction of the hours of .

g strong and healthy. I could endure the cold and heat without trouble, and have often braved the winter wind, taking no pains to keep it from being blown on my bare ches .

ver, before Guly received a message, stating that his friend the dwarf, was very ill, and desired to see him. The ragged boy, who brought the message, offered to act as g .

er out of touch with the actualities of politics and attracts the type of mind that prefers clear-cut principles to practical political progress."[1140] Other Socialist o .

hat, as there is less to work on constructively with the non-supporter, court action has more often to be invoked. If the non-supporter is a "chronic," his path must not .

se his money. The agency, it was felt, would be in better position to protect the wife and children if it refused to act as post office for the man. The same consideratio .

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